Introducing the BIPoCiT Space
The CSSconf and JSConf EU 2019 BIPoCiT Space team believes it is necessary to create a space that is inviting, supportive, and respectful for all Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color in Tech (BIPoCiT).
Our intention is to create a safer space for those who are underrepresented and/or marginalized – a place for retreat, conversation, networking, and exchanging knowledge.
The creation of this space is a collective result of previous and ongoing discussions by BIPoC communities and groups that came before us. We were inspired by the POCIT initiative and the various meetups and communities built by BIPoC in tech.
The BIPoCiT Space is a place for communication and inspiration, to appreciate our differences, and to bring strong communities closer together.
Talks happen on the BIPoCiT Space stage during breaks at CSSconf EU 2019. To learn more about the talks, visit our speakers page.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does BIPoC mean?
You might be familiar with the term PoC (People of Color), which refers to non-white people. BIPoC is an extension of that and stands for Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color. This particular acronym was created to acknowledge Black and Indigenous people who have historically been the most marginalized.
Is this space for me?
The BIPoCiT Space is for anyone who is Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color. Providing information about your background is voluntary, and therefore we rely on your own self-reflection, by asking yourself if you have the privilege to enter most white-dominated spaces without feeling denied, ignored or excluded.
We do not tolerate harassment in any form, including, but not limited to, discrimination against QTIBIPoC/LGBTQIA+ people, discrimination against people with impairments and/or disabilities, sexism, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim or anti-Blackness, or colorism.
I’m only attending one conference. Can I participate in the space?
The space will be open throughout both CSSconf and JSConf EU 2019, but attendees will only be able to participate on the days for which they hold tickets.
How do I gain access to the space?
You can register on-site at the venue during the designated time blocks. If you are attending both conferences, you only need to register once. You can also pre-register on Thursday at the Community Opening event.
In order to enter the space, attendees will need a wristband, which will be handed out upon registration. This is for both logistical and safety purposes and to ensure that everyone who attempts to enter the space knows what it is and why they’re there.
Registration times:
Thursday, May 30: 5:00pm-9:00pm
Friday, May 31: 8:00am-11:00am or 1:30pm-3:30pm
What should I do if a conflict arises?
In the event of conflict or an uncomfortable situation within the space, we encourage you to approach a member of our Awareness Team to mediate the issue. Members of the Awareness Team are BIPoC who are hired and trained to help mediate. Awareness Team members can be identified by t-shirts that read ‘Awareness Team’ on the front and back.
If you don’t feel comfortable approaching a member of the Awareness Team, you may contact Lauren, Vanessa, and Dera of the BIPoCiT Space team at
BIPoCiT Space Team

Website, Communications, BIPoCiT Space
BIPoCiT Space, Talk Selection Committee
BIPoCiT Space, Talk Selection Committee